Agrupamento de Escolas da Maia
The Agrupamento de Escolas da Maia is a cluster of schools in Maia. The city is one of 16 areas belonging to the metropolitan area of Porto. The municipality is located on the north coast of Portugal. The school's teaching staff of 260 teachers has professional and specific teaching qualifications for teaching. The educational project has several objectives. These include improving the level and quality of education and learning; raising national awareness and promoting health, sports and culture; improving work efficiency and creating a self-evaluation culture; and deepening the school/family/community relationship. The institution believes that by promoting international projects, the development of the educational project's objectives could be increased.

During the last decades, the group of schools has already taken over several pupils of Chinese, Romanian and Ukrainian descent, who do not always speak Portuguese. The main objective is to promote and implement an innovative and inclusive educational model. It wants the students to feel that the new school is thinking of them and investing in their success. The school wants to have motivated, interested and participating students who are engaged in their own learning process. Teachers as well as students are firmly involved in the implementation of projects that enrich learning. Investing in these educational projects is done with the knowledge that education systems are slow to adapt to the complexity and challenges of Europe, but with the certainty that education is the key to creating individual opportunities and improving the quality of life. All members believe that the European, holistic perspective of education is the future and that education prepares Europeans for the world to come.
Avenida Luís Camões
4470-194 Maia
Telefon: 229 478 480
Fax: 229 414 485