Pantelis Prevelakis
"Pantelis Prevelakis" - Second General Lyceum of Rethymnou
General data:
- Location: Rethymnou (Crete, Greece)
- Population: 30,000
- Public school
- Students: 368
- Teachers: 35

The school is located in Rethymnou, Crete, Greece. Rethymnou is a coastal city with about 30,000 inhabitants. It is a lively place and the home of the University of Crete. The island of Crete lies on the southernmost top of Europe and receives many immigrants and refugees.
Crete is also a popular holiday destination. The 2 Geniko Lykeio of Rethymnou is a public school and has 368 students aged 16 to 18 years. They attend the 3 classes of the school and when they finish the 3rd class they have to take Panhellenic exams in order to be able to go to university.
The students of the school are mainly from the city and most of them live near the school. There are also students from refugee families. The relationship between the teachers and the students is good, as well as the cooperation between teachers and parents. There are 35 teachers
and some of them are willing to work on the project. Topics to be covered are languages, economics, IT and political science. The school expects that intercultural cooperation will help its students and teachers to understand different cultures in order to promote the development of social skills.